Monday, March 20, 2017

Random Deck of the Day 3/20/2017

Today I added a couple of new decks to the deck of the day jar. Then I mixed it all up and pulled out a random paper and it just happened to be for one of the new decks. The deck today is the mini version of the "Secret Tarot."

The cards I pulled are the Knave (Page) of Cups, the 9 of Swords and the 5 of Wands.

Above is my study; it includes my stream of consciousness and key words from the LWB, Paul Foster Case book "The Tarot: Key to the Wisdom of the Ages" and Mary Greer's "Tarot for Yourself."

The Story 
He loves her dearly but she lacks confidence and doesn't believe she deserves love. She worries about imagined conflicts in the relationship. She holds herself back from receiving his love.

What the Cards Say to Me 
Recent conflict that came up in the women's circle were petty games that are of no consequence. It blew up out of proportion and we made a bigger deal of it than was necessary. Be chill Patti, watch and tame your own reactions, don't get sucked into contributing to pettiness, games and power plays.

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